⚑Get Land ID

We used wallet: 0x8eD74Bb7c827b70fDe00aF941a5A2c734743Cc93 throughout the process to reproduce this operation. You can go to the block explorer to view the entire process

Restoring Land ID and Spatial Axis

Because we want more wizards to participate in Merlin Land, we need to lower the threshold for participation. We take advantage of the protocol features of ERC1420 and only send ERC20 tokens in Mint Land.

But you can restore Land’s inscription & NFT & space axis coordinates at any time. You simply transfer MerlinLand Tokens to your own address (the same address where the wallet is held or any address). In principle, it can be restored as long as a transaction occurs. (Click on the URL to quickly add Merlin Land Token), then you need to enter the blockchain browser to view your Land ID

Regarding the issue of restoring Land ID, you only need to restore it if you have not generated any transactions after Free Mint. If you purchased it in Swap, the Land ID will follow the transaction.

For example: https://scan.merlinchain.io/tx/0xc644da2087ba16b80f0d0518bdf9ec3b463bfde66fdefef47a85bb77984be38d

Record the Land ID and proceed to the next step

Last updated