πŸ’‘What We Do

Merlin Land is an innovative sandbox virtual universe that combines elements of magic, adventure and construction. Utilizing the advanced ERC1420 protocol, it enables seamless interchange between inscriptions, NFTs and ERC20 for the first time, providing users with unprecedented flexibility and interactivity. This virtual world is not only compatible with BRC420 assets and Bitmap, but also uses spatial axis positioning technology to pioneer spatial positioning and writing of metadata, making Merlin Land a programmable sandbox metaverse.

In Merlin Land, users can introduce BRC420 assets or BTC (L1) assets to their own land through the Build Land function, further enhancing personalization and creativity. In addition, Merlin Land has opened up a spatial metadata IDE for the first time, allowing users to freely edit land according to their own ideas, promoting virtual space personalization and innovation.

In the future, Merlin Land plans to launch a game client to make this virtual universe truly an open and interactive world by reading metadata submitted by users. This will bring users a richer and immersive experience, making Merlin Land an ideal platform for creating endless possibilities in the WEB3 world.

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